Ulična Galerija MB #4: Karø Goldt

KARø GOLDT – ulični plakat
in kratka filmska retrospektiva
(street poster + short video retrospective):

Ulična galerija Židovska (UG MB)

METODOLOGIJA ŠIBKOSTI (Methodology of Weakness)

BlackBox.GT22, program kratkih videov (short video program)

> I DEEPLY REGRET, 2008, 2 min

The video i deeply regret is about a failed chance of revenge and satisfaction. My video shows the attempt to liberate oneself from the victim´s role by a fantasy of self-empowerment. In other words: After a long, long time someone fights back, while humming the theme song from Rocky.


the shortest day shows the transformation of stripes to winterly branches, covered with snow. Through an visual distortion the tree appears to breath. The calm images have an acoustic counterpart, agitated and intense, handling the restlessness under the surface of peace.

> TULIPA, 2007, 3 min

video tulipa concentrates on the formal interplay of color and sound. For this, Goldt once again uses a digital flower picture as the starting point for her cinematic conversation. The picture is disaggregated into its color components and then transferred to an abstract stripe pattern. Thus, in tulipa, too, not much remains of the romantic genre of the flower picture other than the title and the electronically scanned color values of the original picture. Instead, the color dynamics of the picture are released from the flower motif and gain powerful intrinsic value through the consistent process of abstraction. The dynamic interplay of the color values and the spatial potential of the colors are thus revealed increasingly over the course of the color changes in the film.


Karø Goldt, born in Günzburg, Germany, lives and works in Berlin and Vienna. She studied Religionswissenschaften at FU Berlin and Photography at the Schule für künstlerische Photographie Vienna / Friedl Kubelka aka vom Gröller. Goldt received several sholarships (Staatsstipendium für Fotografie Österreich / Grant Video Project: “unilateral” / Grant Video Project: “floral” + “bouquet” / AiR New York / AiR, Medienturm Graz and MQ Vienna / AiR Cité International des Arts Paris) and awards (Special Mention 1st Int. VJ-Contest Bologna / European Architecture Foto Prize, Deutsche Bauzeitung). From 2002 she taught as „Visiting Professor“ at Universities and Academies. She has presented her works in numerous shows, group exhibitions and festivals.





> kuratorji (curators): 003 / Toni Soprano Meneglejte
> produkcija in podpora (production and support): TAM-TAM Inštitut / Ustanova Fundacija Sonda / GT22 / Mestna občina Maribor / Fotografski muzej Modrinjak / DRFK / Alveola d.o.o

07. 12. - 20:00 // Heroj 4.0 – Business as Usual // predstava
Vstop: 8 / 5 / 0 €
08. 12. - 20:00 // Heroj 4.0 – Business as Usual // predstava
Vstop: 8 / 5 / 0 €
09. 12. - 19:00 // Temporalnost drugih // predstava
Vstop: 10 €
13. 12. - 17:00 // Mi smo butale! // predstava
Vstop: 3 €



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