Simptomi prihodnosti. Razstava v škatli

Na ogled v GT22 od 29.5. do 23.6. 2021. Vstopnine ni.

Vabljeni k ogledu razstave Simptomi prihodnosti. Razstava v škatli, ki bo na ogled od 29. maja ob 12ih do 23. junija v GT22, Glavni trg 22.

SIMPTOMI PRIHODNOSTI: RAZSTAVA V ŠKATLI (SYMPTOMS OF THE FUTURE: EXHIBITION IN A BOX) izhaja iz publikacije, ki so jo v zadnjem letu kolektivno razvile Dušica Dražić (Out of Sight), Mirjana Dragosavljević (Stereovizija) in Irena Borić in ki vsebuje prispevke Anamarije Batista, Irene Borić, Mirjane Dragosavljević, Dušice Dražić, Maje Hodošček, Petre Mrša, Tanje Šljivar in Nataše Šuković.

Vsebina publikacije ni razstava, lahko pa to vsekakor postane. Je poskus ustvariti okolje, ki bo omogočilo kolektivno razmišljanje in povezovanje. Vztraja pri generiranju situacije, ki vključuje – ali ponuja – prisotnost teles v prostoru skozi stik bodisi s publikacijo bodisi z razstavnim prostorom. Sprejele smo povabilo, vzele tiskana gradiva iz škatle, prenesle dela v obliki video in zvočnih posnetkov ter jih preoblikovale v razstavo.

Publikacija se želi izogniti linearnosti vsevednega narativa, ki naslavlja temo solidarnosti, zato vsebuje prispevke, ki stojijo na ramenih drugih dosežkov, raziskav in umetniških del. Ko se poskuša spopasti s temo solidarnosti, se dotakne širokega nabora idej – vključno s skrbjo, situiranim znanjem ter skupnostjo in krizo – ki se prepletajo skozi prispevke. Povabljene umetnice Dušica Dražić, Petra Mrša in Maja Hodošček razgrnejo različne poglede na potenciale skupnosti. Medtem ko Dušica Dražić oriše fragmente halštatske civilizacije iz bronaste dobe, ko sta bila delo in bogastvo enakomerno porazdeljena, in špekulira o njihovem jeziku, se Maja Hodošček prav tako posveti jeziku kot dejavniku, ki hkrati razdvaja in povezuje, ter poudari pomen kolektivnega procesa učenja. Petra Mrša je razvila specifičen nabor navodil, ki radovedne vabijo k sodelovanju pri aktivnostih, ki terjajo ponovni premislek o tem, kako smo skupaj in kaj se učimo drug od drugega.

Kolektivno prizadevanje je artikulirano tudi v prispevku Mirjane Dragosavljević, Dušice Dražić in Tanje Šljivar – igri, ki se spopada s temo kolektivnega desetletje trajajočega pogozdovanja Jugoslavije. Navdihnjena s tem sodelovanjem Mirjana Dragosavljević predstavi odmev starih in novih referenc, vizualnih in besedilnih, in tako ustvari nov narativ, ki poskuša razodeti proces produkcije znanja in pomena kolektivnega skupnega zunanja, ki izhaja iz družbe za družbo.

Anamarija Batista artikulira gospodarske dimenzije jugoslovanske in post-jugoslovanske družbe, ko piše o ekonomiji daril, deljenja in skupne rabe v zvezi s kolektivom in solidarnostjo v produktivnih in neproduktivnih stanjih. Prispevek Irene Borić deluje kot vezivo med vsemi temi vidiki, saj obiskovalcu/bralcu v razmislek ponuja besede, povezane z vsakim izmed njih.

SIMPTOMI PRIHODNOSTI: RAZSTAVA V ŠKATLI želi aktualizirati nekatere dosežke, dela, misli in dogodke ter pri tem upa, da bo odprla najširša možna obzorja znanja in razumevanja ter tako zapustila pozicijo pasivizacije in jo nadomestila s konstrukcijo nekih novih-starih narativov. Od svojih začetkov je bila umetnost vedno neločljiva spremljevalka družabnosti in ta ideja nas je vodila, ko smo se potopile v knjige, intervjuje, arhive, muzeje in depoje ter odkrivale, kaj nam naša zgodovinska in kulturna dediščina lahko povesta o nas, danes, v tem zgodovinskem kontekstu. Uprle smo se univerzalni zapovedi hiperprodukcije, tako da smo uporabile obstoječe vsebine in raziskave, ki smo jih lahko ovrednotile kot brezčasne. Vanje smo vpisale svoje lastne interpretacije in pomene in ta interakcija je omogočila nove narative, ki jih tu delimo z vami.

SIMPTOMI PRIHODNOSTI: RAZSTAVA V ŠKATLI v galeriji Out of Sight gosti še dva projekta: OBJECTBOOK, začasno knjižnico prestavljene zbirke umetniških knjig, ki so del fonda Mestne knjižnice Zagreb, ter radijsko igro CONSTRUCTED LANDSCAPE.

Publikacija SIMPTOMI PRIHODNOSTI: RAZSTAVA V ŠKATLI so izdale Out of Sight (Antwerpen), Stereovizija (Beograd) in Onomatopee (Eindhoven) maja 2021.


Symptoms of the Future. Exhibition in a box

Welcome to join us for the exhibition Symptoms of the Future. Exhibition in a box that will be open at 12:00 at 29th of May until 26th of June at GT22, Glavni trg 22.

SYMPTOMS OF THE FUTURE: EXHIBITION IN THE BOX starts from a publication that was collectively developed over past year by Dušica Dražić (Out of Sight), Mirjana Dragosavljević (Stereovizija) and Irena Borić, with contributions by: Anamarija Batista, Irena Borić, Mirjana Dragosavljević, Dušica Dražić, Maja Hodošček, Petra Mrša, Tanja Šljivar, Nataša Šuković.

The content of the publication is not an exhibition, but it can certainly become one. It is an attempt to create an environment that will enable collective thinking and relating. It insists on generating a situation that entails – or offers – the presence of bodies in space, whether through contact with the publication or exhibition space.

We accepted an invitation, took out the printed matter in this box, downloaded video and audio works and transformed it into an exhibition.

Seeking to avoid the linearity of an omniscient narrative addressing the topic of solidarity, the publication comprises contributions that stand on the shoulders of other achievements and explorations as well as artistic works. In attempt to tackle the issue of solidarity it touches upon a wide range of ideas – including care, situated knowledge, togetherness and crisis – that are intertwined throughout the contributions. Invited artists Dušica Dražić, Petra Mrša and Maja Hodošček unfold different perspectives on potentials of togetherness. While Dušica Dražić outlines fragments of The Hallstatt civilization from the Bronze Age, where labour and wealth were equally distributed and speculates about their language, Maja Hodošček also addresses the issue of language as the factor of the simultaneous division and connection, emphasizing the importance of the collective learning process. Petra Mrša has developed a specific set of instructions inviting the curious to engage in activities that ask for re-thinking of how are we together and what we learn from each other. The collective endeavor is also articulated within a contribution from Mirjana Dragosavljević, Dušica Dražić and Tanja Šljivar – a play tackling the issue of the collective decade-long reforestation of Yugoslavia. Inspired by this collaboration, Mirjana Dragosavljević echoes old and new references, and visual and textual in creating a new narrative which attempts to unpack the process of production of knowledge and the importance of collective shared knowledge that comes out of society for the society. The economic dimensions of Yugoslav and post-Yugoslav society are articulated by Anamarija Batista who writes about gift and sharing economies in relation to collective and solidarity in productive and unproductive states of being. The contribution by Irena Borić functions like a glue between all these facets as it brings words for the visitor/reader to consider in relation to all of them.

SYMPTOMS OF THE FUTURE: EXHIBITION IN THE BOX seeks to actualise certain accomplishments, works, thoughts, and events, hoping to open the broadest possible horizon of knowledge and understanding, in order to leave the position of passivisation and replace it with construction of some new-old narratives. Ever since it began, art has always been an inseparable accomplice in sociality and that was our guiding idea when we immersed ourselves in books, interviews, archives, museums, depots, and went about discovering what our historical and cultural heritage might tell us about ourselves, today, in this historical context. We resisted the universally imposed command of hyperproduction by using pre-existent content and research that we could qualify as timeless. We inscribed that with our own interpretations and meanings and that interaction enabled the construction of new narratives, which here we share with you.

Publication SYMPTOMS OF THE FUTURE: EXHIBITION IN THE BOX is published by Out of Sight (Antwerp), Stereovizija (Belgrade) and Onomatopee (Eindhoven) in May 2021.

The exhibition and publication were supported by the European Cultural Foundation, the Flemish Community and the city of Antwerp

08. 02. - 20:00 // Heroj 2.0 – Predstava vseh predstav // predstava
Vstop: 8 € / 5 € / 0 €



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