Public podcast on Palestine

In the studio of Radio YoureUp we hosted as part of the Festival Lent 2018 program a debate on the dire situation in Palestine, featuring guests who helped enlighten us on what is happening in Israel and Palestine and what we can do to make a change for the better. We also breached the issue of why Slovenia, as a fairly young country, was not able or willing to recognize Palestine as an independent state, even though nations all across the globe have mustered the will to do it. And what else European countries should and could do to pressure Israel in changing its agressive politics. The guests of the talk were: Palestinian writer and poet, currently living as a refugee in Slovenia Mohamed Munem, member of the BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) movement Nada Pretnar and the foreign affairs journalist for MMC RTV Slovenija Boris Vasev.

Moderators: Helena Milinković & Žiga Brdnik
Sound: Urban Ambrožič

– Maribor-is-the-future – Maribor-is-the-future-030-interview-with-benjamin-ladraa-walktopalestine

27. 04. - // DAN BOJA PROTI OKUPATORJU 2024 // dan odprtih vrat
Vstop: prostovoljni prispevki
11. 05. - 20:00 // Heroj 4.0 – Business as Usual // predstava
Vstop: 8 / 5 / 0 €
12. 05. - 20:00 // Heroj 4.0 – Business as Usual // predstava
Vstop: 8 / 5 / 0 €
24. 05. - 20:00 // Dobra družba // predstava
Vstop: 8 / 5 / 0 €



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