Predavanje Svetlane Slapšak
Maribor is the future 007 – Drugajanje.1/2016: predavanje Svetlane Slapšak
Obseg področij strokovnega udejstvovanja, urednikovanja in raziskovanja Svetlane Slapšak je tako obsežen, da je – kot je zapisal Dijana Matković – občudovanja vredno, kako vse to zmore ena sama oseba. Ukvarja se z lingvistiko, antičnimi študijami, študijami Balkana, antropologijo spolov. Izdala je številne eseje, prevode, knjige in zanetila čez 50 peticij. Borila se je proti smrtni kazni, za mir, za dostojen sprejem beguncev, za ženske pravice … Je redna kolumnistka pri največjem mariborskem dnevniku Večer. Svetlana Slapšak pooseblja ideal angažirane intelektualke, ki se ne boji umazati si rok – bodisi s politiko ali banalnimi temami, kot je zelje (napisala je knjigo Zelje in spolnost)- in ki hkrati naslanja svojo misel in aktivizem na poglobljeno razumevanje zgodovine in antropologije. Kdo drug bi lahko bolje govoril o prihodnosti in preživetju, kot nekdo, ki dobro pozna zgodovino in človeško naravo – bodisi iz antropologije ali grške dramatike.
Če želite gostovati v 008 ali katerem od naslednjih podkastov, se javite na Mi smo tu. Za vas.
Svetlana Slapšak: ESCAPISM, EVACUATIONISM, MICROCOMMUNISM OR MONASTERIES, ISLANDS, FORESTS: all the escapes from revolution (lecture)
Svetlana Slapšak’s realm of expertise, publishing and research is so vast, that – as Dijana Matković put it – it is admirable that it is mastered by only one person. Her areas of expertise include linguistics, antic studies, Balkan studies, gender studies … She has published numerous essays, translations, books and also – started more than 50 petitions. She has fought against death penalty, for peace, for human treatment of refugees, for women’s rights … She is also the current columnist of Maribor’s biggest daily – Večer. Svetlana
Slapšak seems to embody the ideal of engaged intellectual who is not afraid to get her hands dirty – either with politics or with banal topics such as cabbage (she wrote a book on cabbage and sexuality) – but at the same time bases her activism and thought on thorough understanding of history and anthropology.
Who best to speak about the future and survival than someone who knows about the history and human nature – either from anthropology or from Greek drama?
Since 2012, Festival Drugajanje has been part of the network Festivals in Transition, a cooperation between thirteen festivals that, within the framework of their Urban Heat project, strive to artistically explore and examine relationships between the arts, the city and its invisible communities. This year, the festival hosts the socalled artist laboratory, which focuses on Maribor and on narratives of survival – socioeconomic structures of power.
More about Drugajanje 2016:
More about Urban Heat network: