Bring in Weight, talk with the artists

From 27th till 29th of February GT22 hosted in Maribor the international conference Bring in Weight, critique of populism with several artists and theoreticians from Slovenia, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. We invited some of them to our studio to share their impressions on the conference, the subject of populism and the question, what can art do about it. Guests: the singer and sound engineer Julie Semoroz, the sociologist and philosopher Jernej Kaluža, Maria-Leena Räihälä and Manuel Bonik from the collective Morgenvogel, and the artist, also a former politician, Ann Schomburg.

Moderator: Žiga Brdnik
Sound: Boštjan Eržen

Thanx: to the guests, Fundation Sonda and GT22 community, Kunstraum Walcheturm, Flux i Bell Structures e.v., Municipality of Maribor and Radio MARŠ for airing.

19. 04. - 20:00 // Pod kontrolo + Zbor za publiko // predstava
Vstop: 8 € / 5 € / 0 €
20. 04. - 20:00 // Pod kontrolo // predstava
Vstop: 8 € / 5 € / 0 €



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